作業療法士:OT pagumaru's diary
日々の臨床と研究のことを書いていきます。It's been over 15 years since I got an occupational therapist license in Japan. I completed the master's program at graduate school. I would like to write on this blog what I thought about doing clinical occupational therapy in Japan. I'm learning English.
self-help tool

self-help tool (chopsticks)

I introduce this when my dominant hand is paralyzed and the patient cannot eat with chopsticks.

There are right-handed and left-handed ones.
The occupational therapist chooses which one to use depending on the condition of the patient’s hand. It is easy to pick up food because it is in the form of a hand when using chopsticks.

臨床経験15年以上になりました。大学院で修士課程を修了しました。自分の勉強を継続するため、日々考えていることを書いていきます。It's been over 15 years since I got an occupational therapist license in Japan. I completed the master's program at graduate school. I will write down what I think every day so that I can continue my studies. I'm studying English.